SIQ Introduces CMAD for Improved Radiated Emission Measurements

SIQ Introduces CMAD for Improved Radiated Emission Measurements712370

SIQ proudly stands as a Notified Body for the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU, offering professional, accurate, and responsive services to meet the rigorous requirements of EMC testing and certification.

SIQ’s team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that products meets EMC compatibility standards across crucial markets. From initial development stages, SIQ offers professional assistance, conducting partial critical tests on individual devices to identify and address potential issues early in the process. Equipped with modern laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment, SIQ stays ahead of development trends in electromagnetic compatibility. SIQ’s commitment to precision and excellence is reflected in measurements, test reports, and certificates.

In a groundbreaking development, SIQ has introduced the Common-Mode Attenuation Device (CMAD). This innovation is designed to enhance reproducible radiated emission measurements. The CMAD ensures standardized cable terminations, minimizing the impact of AC or DC mains supply and auxiliary equipment on measurement results. Placed on cables leaving the test volume during radiated emission measurements, the CMAD significantly reduces variations in results across different test locations (semi-anechoic chamber, GTEM cell, etc.).

SIQ offers a wide range of services to cater to diverse EMC testing needs:

  • Electromagnetic compatibility testing adhering to IEC/EN international standards, national standards, and industry requirements.
  • Measurement of low-frequency phenomena, including flicker and harmonics.
  • Assessment of low-frequency and high-frequency conductive currents, voltage, and power.
  • Selective measurements of electromagnetic fields up to 40GHz.
  • Testing resistance to electrostatic discharge up to 30kV (ESD).
  • Resistance testing to fast and slow transient phenomena (BURST/SURGE).
  • Assessment of resistance to static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields.
  • Testing resistance to voltage dips and interruptions.
  • Radio spectrum testing according to EN 300 328, EN 301 893, CFR 47 Part 15, and more.
  • EMC testing for the automotive industry in accordance with provisions on type approval of motor vehicles.
  • Electromagnetic shielding efficiency measurement.
  • Technical assistance, including technical documentation reviews, correct standards usage, interpretation of national legislation, and more.
  • Training on legislation and standardization.

Click here to learn more about the Common-Mode Attenuation Device.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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