Spectrum Analyzers

103 Spectrum Analyzers from 7 manufacturers listed on EMC Directory

A Spectrum Analyzer is an equipment that is used to observe the RF signals with respect to frequency. In EMC emission tests, the radiated electromagnetic energy is measured by using a spectrum analyzer or an EMI receiver with a suitable current probe (for conducted emission) or a suitable measuring antenna (for radiated emission). Spectrum Analyzers from the leading manufacturers are listed on below. Narrow down on the products based on your requirement. View product details, download datasheets and get quotes on EMI Receiver that you need.

1 - 10 of 103 Spectrum Analyzers


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Real Time



Real-time Bandwidth (MHz)


Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)


Sweep Speed (THz/sec)

spectrum-analyzers 1039 ../ ../../../../ equipments-search equipment1 ../1039spectrum_analyzersspectrum-analyzersSpectrum Analyzersstype:expand,sreal_time_yes_no:expandstype:single,sreal_time_yes_no:singlesfrequency:expand,sreal_time_bandwidth:expand,sphase_noise:expand,ssweep_speed:expandsfrequency:2580,sreal_time_bandwidth:2608,sphase_noise:2631,ssweep_speed:2650sfrequency:MHz,sreal_time_bandwidth:MHz,sphase_noise:dBc/Hz,ssweep_speed:THz/secnull
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