EMI Filtered Connectors

1300 EMI Filtered Connectors from 5 manufacturers listed on EMC Directory

EMI Filtered Connectors have electronic circuitry (capacitors) to block power line signals of unwanted RF or HRF noise that could potentially impact electronic equipment or system performance. EMI Filtered Connectors from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products by Frequency, Filter Topology and various other parameters. View product details, download datasheets and get quotes on EMC Filtered Connector that you need.

1 - 10 of 1300 EMI Filtered Connectors


Manufacturers from


Filter Topology

  • Pi (634)
  • C (595)
  • CL (5)

Current Rating (A)


Capacitance (pF)


Number of Contacts

Working Voltage (V)

emc-filtered-connectors 1035 ../ ../../../../ equipments-search equipment1 ../1035emc_filtered_connectorsemc-filtered-connectorsEMI Filtered Connectorsstype:expand,sfilter_topology:expand,snumber_of_contacts:expandstype:single,sfilter_topology:single,snumber_of_contacts:singlescurrent_rating:expand,scapacitance:expand,sworking_voltage:expandscurrent_rating:2221,scapacitance:2248,sworking_voltage:2242scurrent_rating:A,scapacitance:pF,sworking_voltage:Vnull
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