Compatible Electronics Simplifies Aerospace EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

Compatible Electronics Simplifies Aerospace EMC Pre-Compliance Testing712370

Compatible Electronics is offering Aerospace Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) RTCA DO-160 Pre-Compliance Testing to aid aerospace customers in identifying potential EMC challenges. The company focuses on risk areas, swiftly resolving issues discovered during pre-compliance testing, leading to cost-effective solutions. This process saves time and money for consumer electronics manufacturers, requiring less effort and expense than a standard compliance test phase.

EMC challenges in aerospace components are influenced by factors such as shielding, filtering, grounding, and bonding. Prioritizing upfront design principles on printed circuit boards, especially addressing noise sources and potential victim circuits, is crucial. Compatible Electronics emphasizes involving both EMC and high-speed specialist resources in the design of high-speed interfaces to ensure compliance with EMC and hardware channel/interface requirements.

Key points about Compatible Electronics' aerospace EMC pre-compliance testing:

  1. Swift Identification of Concerns: The company rapidly identifies hardware, software, and systems EMC concerns.

  2. Comprehensive Understanding: By comprehending the physics, underlying causes of electromagnetic compatibility problems are identified and resolved during the same EMC test period.

  3. Rigorous Testing: Tests are repeated to ensure sufficient design margin and verify improvements.

  4. Seamless Transition: Aerospace clients confidently progress to the EMC compliance test phase.

  5. Time and Cost Savings: Concentrating on risk areas and conducting Aerospace EMC testing in a shorter time often saves customers at least one product design iteration.

Additionally, Compatible Electronics provides a comprehensive lineup of EMC troubleshooting tools to pinpoint the cause of failures when EMC difficulties are discovered. The company maintains an inventory of component kits and EMC tools, enabling the swift development of solutions.

With 4 Open Area Test Sites (OATS) and 8 Semi Anechoic Facilities, Compatible Electronics accommodates testing on short notice, typically within five days. Customers are invited to witness the EMC testing of their products, and with three locations in Southern California, commute times are minimized.

All EMC testing laboratories of Compatible Electronics comply with domestic and international standards, and the company holds ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.

Click here to learn more about Compatible Electronics' Commercial Avionics EMC Testing capabilities.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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